PoH Juice by the Plumes of Hazard

The Plumes of Hazard on YouTube

The Plumes of Hazard

The Hosts


Formerly a budget prostitute from the streets of Prague, the man currently known only as Foobaca is the mysterious member of the group. While in hiding from INTERPOL for what they call "Crimes Against Common Decency" he met the other three Plumes members through Reddit. After arranging meticulously detailed forged documentation and by using master spycraft, he has been able to avoid being intercepted by international police agencies. All we know is that he is armed to the teeth with Brasberry Mint and numerous tobaccos.

The Angstful Vaper

The Angstful Vaper
TheAngstfulVaper aka angsty aka Brian is a Texan. As you may suspect, he believes strongly in the right to bare arms. That's not a typo - he typically doesn't wear sleeves. Mastblast09 has accused him of being the ambassador to the United Kingdom, but that's not true. He just tends to vape a bit like them. And likes some BBC shows. Typically vaping on an RTA or ~33w single coil dripper. Or occasionally wraps up a double helix stapled gargoyle hoof dual coil at 90w. SURPRISE, MELONFARMER.


Understudy77 or Shawn is the high horse of the group. A lover of fine foreign mods and atomizers with tight buttholes, occasionally even kinky stuff like squonking, but only occasionally. Just don’t expect to push him past 25 watts unless you are gonna loose the nic, he doesn’t like it that kind of rough. He enjoys short walks at a vape convention, and goes through mods like a college freshman.


Some say that he invented the MOSFET, others say he is in love with Murata and that he uses a P9 switch to start his car. Do you have a preorder mod full of hot glue and stabilized corn? if so make like ethyl maltol and throw it in the trash. He's MastBlast09, creator of the MastMods Mini, MastMods Micro (#noyoucanthaveone), and co-creator of the Titan. The Plumes needed a tech guru and Masty fits the bill perfectly.